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John Milkereit’s poems have appeared in various literary journals such as The Comstock Review, San Pedro River Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Naugatuck River Review, Texas Poetry Calendar, The Weight of Addition (Mutabilis Press), various anthologies of the Houston Poetry Fest, and the Austin International Poetry Fest.

His chapbooks, Home & Away and Paying Admissions, were published by Pudding House Press (2010).

His first full-length book collection of poems entitled, A Rotating Equipment is Never Finished, was published by Ink Brush Press (March 2015).

His second full-length book collection of poems entitled, Drive the World in a Taxicab, was published by Lamar University Press (September 2018).

His third full-length collection of poems entitled, A Place Comfortable with Fire, was published by Lamar University Literary Press (December 2022).

His fourth full-length collection of entitle, Lost Sonnets for My Unvaccinated Lover, was published by Kelsay Books (December 2023).


Books are currently available at independent bookstores.

Also available at Amazon